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Kangaroos have become an agricultural pest as they compete with livestock for feed, damage pasture and fences, and cause severe damage or injury as a result of collisions with motor vehicles; over 80% of vehicle animal collisions are attributed to kangaroos. In drought conditions, controlling kangaroos is animal welfare consideration rather than letting them die of thirst and starvation.

Research from the ACT, also indicates that in habitats with low kangaroo grazing, reptiles were more than three times as abundant, and contained twice as many species of reptile than compared to areas with high kangaroo grazing levels.  When kangaroo populations are high, they graze on grassy vegetation until it is like lawn, which leaves no shelter for other animals, such as insects, birds and reptiles.

With an estimated population of over 25 million throughout Australia, the need to control this native species is self evident.  AVert Services has a team of ground shooters well versed in kangaroo control and disposal in accordance with the National Code of Practice for the Humane Shooting of Kangaroos and Wallabies.

Target Species

Read more about how AVert Services target feral animal populations impacting on Australia's diverse and unique native ecosystem.

Feral Deer

Feral Pigs

Wild Dogs


Feral Pigeons

Feral goats

Feral Camels

Feral Donkey


Feral Horses


Feral Cats